Inovasi Kelapa

Menghadirkan produk cocopeat untuk pertanian modern dan berkelanjutan.

coconuts on white surface
coconuts on white surface
Cocopeat Berkualitas

Dukungan untuk pertanian dan industri hijau yang berkelanjutan.

green palm tree during daytime
green palm tree during daytime
Keberlanjutan Lingkungan

Komitmen terhadap inovasi dan keberlanjutan dalam agribisnis.

a bunch of bananas growing on a palm tree
a bunch of bananas growing on a palm tree
A person is sitting under a thatched-roof bamboo shelter on a platform. The setting is a lush, green environment, likely a rice paddy or agricultural field. Coconuts and a plastic bottle are placed near the individual, who is wearing a hat. The landscape includes irrigated fields with visible water channels.
A person is sitting under a thatched-roof bamboo shelter on a platform. The setting is a lush, green environment, likely a rice paddy or agricultural field. Coconuts and a plastic bottle are placed near the individual, who is wearing a hat. The landscape includes irrigated fields with visible water channels.
Inovasi Pertanian

Mendukung sektor agribisnis dengan produk berkualitas tinggi.

Industri Hijau

Menyediakan solusi ramah lingkungan untuk kebutuhan industri modern.

Cocopeat dari PT Kelapa Pesisir Jawa sangat berkualitas dan mendukung pertanian berkelanjutan. Sangat direkomendasikan!

Budi Santoso

A lush tropical garden with several coconut trees bearing green coconuts. The ground is covered with grass and small plants, and the area appears well-maintained. In the background, there is a glimpse of a house with a tin roof.
A lush tropical garden with several coconut trees bearing green coconuts. The ground is covered with grass and small plants, and the area appears well-maintained. In the background, there is a glimpse of a house with a tin roof.
A young coconut sprout is emerging from a coconut shell on lush, dewy grass by a calm lake. Soft sunlight reflects off the water, creating a serene and peaceful atmosphere with hills faintly visible in the background.
A young coconut sprout is emerging from a coconut shell on lush, dewy grass by a calm lake. Soft sunlight reflects off the water, creating a serene and peaceful atmosphere with hills faintly visible in the background.
